Skye Elizabeth James - Visual Artist - Abstract, figurative, emotive contemporary Art

ART side of the MOON
Skye Elizabeth James - Visual Artist
Lake Macquarie based ART side of the MOON is always creating something in the studio. Their works - in all forms - are highly accessible and are gaining increasing attention on the international stage. Issues close to the heart are always the forefront for motivation with ideas on fund-raising for non profit groups and designing works to bring awarness to issues like domestic violence, and the stigma of mental health

Please get in touch for more information about Skye Elizabeth James ,Art Practice, ART side of the MOON, if you have any questions about a piece or would like to negotiate prices or payment plans for artworks please get in touch. Skye Also welcomes Commisions and has an attention to detail in creating your work of art perfectly designed to your needs.please contact with any Community projects or fund-raising with art practise
Lake Macquarie

Artists Statement
Interview with the Artist
my mess became my message.
Dedicated topromoting awareness surrounding mental health ,domestic violence and services,Drawn from empathy of others and personal experiences. Art facilitates healinggiving me voice and purpose.
My works reflect a well thought out practise of abstract,figurative imagery consistent of a contemporary approach to impressionism ,I amfascinated by concepts that push boundaries .my somewhat misplaced use ofcolour conveys a sense of nonconformity and unconventional beauty.
I’m blessed to liveon the coast of Australia ,my back yard is the lake and bushland inspiring my subject matter.
I leave space for myaudience to interpret their own meanings thoughts and feelings , Inviting myaudience to a place of connected energy between artist and viewer

ART side of the MOON most recent Exhibitions and achievements
Painterly Las Laguna
Group Exhibition

The Butterfly Effect Feb 2022 to July 2022
Contemporary Art Curator exhibition and publishing
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